Medical Bus Service
This service is available to all Nakusp area residents requiring medical, dental, chiropractic, and related medical services in Vernon and Kelowna. Individuals without medical appointments may travel based on seat availability.
- Service is every Wednesday to the Okanagan (Vernon/Kelowna)
- Departs Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services at 7:00 AM and arrives in Vernon at 10:30 AM
- Departs Vernon mid-afternoon, returning to Nakusp at approximately 6:00 PM.
- Reservations must be made by Noon Tuesday
For Medical Bus reservations
Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services
T 250.265.3674 ext. 200
Other Bus Services
NextGen Transit coordinates a weekly bus service to the Nakusp Hot Springs and an out-of-town bus service open to the public. The bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift. Please call NextGen Transit to inquire about the cost, confirm the day and time, or make a reservation (seating is limited).
Weekly Bus Services
- to/from Nakusp Hot Springs on Mondays
- to/from Nelson on Tuesdays & Thursdays
- to/from Silverton on Wednesdays (morning & afternoon)
- to/from Edgewood on Fridays (morning & afternoon)
- Schedule may be subject to change – contact NextGen Transit for up-to-date information.
NextGen Transit also provides dispatching services for Central Kootenay and Creston Valley Transit bus routes. These areas include Nakusp, Edgewood, New Denver, Silverton, Slocan, Castlegar, Nelson, Salmo, Creston, Kaslo, and Argenta.
For Other Weekly BC Transit Services
NextGen Transit, Trail BC
TF 1-855-993-3100
T 250-364-3262